List of active policies

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Due to the construct of MEC courses, all work must be submitted on time. Late work will not be accepted resulting in an F for each missing discussion and/or assignment.
SNHU does not accept final grades below a B-. Grades below a B- will result in an F for the course.
Professional and courteous interactions amongst peers is expected, violations of such will result in removal from the course.  Differing views and opinions made by fellow participants are to be treated with respect.

Full policy

Due to the construct of MEC courses, all work must be submitted on time. Late work will not be accepted resulting in an F for each missing discussion and/or assignment.
SNHU does not accept final grades below a B-. Grades below a B- will result in an F for the course.
Professional and courteous interactions amongst peers is expected, violations of such will result in removal from the course.  Differing views and opinions made by fellow participants are to be treated with respect.